Yes another Young Adult Book. I'm starting to get addicted. This one explores the pain that comes from adolescence, abandonment and dealing with death. Kind of sounds like a downer, but the heroine, Sal is exceptionally upbeat and pretty funny even though she has had so much heartbreak in her young life. This book is a very easy read and a wonderful insight into the dealings of dysfunctional families as well as Native American heritage. Near the end of the book I cried my eyes out, and I don't ever cry when reading books. It taught me a good lesson on judging people I don't understand yet.
My recommendation is to read this one right away if you have not partaken of its goodness.
Go on. I dare you.
This has the most beautiful and wonderful story. It is one of my favorite books of all time, it's classified for young adults, but is a great read for everyone.