Monday, November 22, 2010

The Old Man and the Sea ** (2 out of 5 stars)

I'll be honest. I am most definitely NOT an Ernest Hemingway fan. He is definitely a guy's guy (you know.... fishing, hunting, women only ruin things, war, those things. Now don't get me wrong guy's guys can be great (Favorite Boy is definitely one) but Ernest just rubs me the wrong way). Is it his multiple failed marriages? His discard for human frailty? Or his holier than thou voice that comes across in every text I've read of his so far? Sorry Ernest, I know you're very acclaimed and whatever but I always inwardly groan when I see you on my class reading lists. Now this particular story isn't completely awful (much unlike A Farewell to Arms) but it felt very monotonous. It basically follows an old man and how he catches a fish. The end.

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