Thursday, November 11, 2010

Eat Pray Love **** (4 out of 5 stars)

At first I vowed not to read this book (this was after I saw the trailer for the movie). It just looked like another sell-out and since Julia Roberts was starring in it, I figured it wouldn't be worth the hundred pennies spent at the dollar theater. And then fate intervened.
I was at Costco with my favorite boy. He was applying for a job and I was browsing the book section when I happened upon this book. I figured that there was no harm in reading the first chapter so I found a couch (I really do love Costco) and setteled in.
Before I knew it about an hour had passed by.
I still refused to buy it so whenever I went back to Costco I would read a few more chapters.
I have to admit that I loved loved loved this book.
I feel somewhat of a kinship to Ms. Gilbert.
She has such a fun and endearing sense of humor and I truly appreciate her journey to find happiness.
I've always wanted to travel abroad and experience the world, but the lack of finances puts a damper on it. Hopefully someday .
Anyway, dear readers, if you enjoy a book about travel, self-discovery, and a whole lot of Italian food then I reccomend this book.
(But don't go see the movie. Favorite Boy took me to it and my suspicions were confirmed. Maybe if someone other than Julia had played Elizabeth than maybe it would have been decent. But we can't have everything can we?

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